GAFE Summit in Auckland

With nothing better to do in the school holidays, I signed up for theĀ  GAFE Summit in Auckland. This ran over two days with a couple of key notes and 8 workshop sessions. Run by EdTechTeam, an American based organisation, the focus was on using Google Apps for Eduction (GAFE).

I was hoping to add to my skill set and understanding of using Google Apps since I use it a heap of the time teaching in the Inquiry programme.

Mark Wagner

First up was the keynote. Introduced by Mark Wagner, he gave an overview of the number of these type of summits his organisation had hosted (52 in the last 22 months).


U2 quotes:

“Let uncertainly be a guiding light”

“Dream out loud”

Is your school future ready?

Keynote – Suan Leo

Summary image

Start with why –

Inspiring story of 3D printing arms

Trends in higher eduction – report

“Shift from students as consumers to students as creators”

Google search vs discovery. Discovery – all the other things that happen on the way. Ask ‘un-Googleable’ questions.

10 things Google know to be true

Planning for the last mile, not the first. Post by Jeff Utecht

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