Improving Academic writing

To start the new school year off, TBC hosted Dr Ian Hunter. Ian was a university professor, now a publisher, with a special interest in teaching writing. He was invited to the College as many subject face similar challenges with student writing, such as starting writing; sequencing and organisation; lack of detail; conclusion. He offered some solutions to these challenges summarised in the following points.

  • State your intent in the first paragraph: “Of all factors in employee motivation, financial reward is the most significant.”
  • Mind map – great for generating ideas but is not an essay plan.
  • Box plan – 1 box = 1 paragraph = 100 words = 5-6 paragraphs
  • List Plan

  • First paragraph written in four sentence
    • Neutral
    • Context
    • Argument
    • Sum up
  • Sentences: clarity is the goal. Less than 20 words.

Ian has developed a website/online tool that helps students develop good essay writing skills.  Our school will be part of a pilot to trail this approach.


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